Saturday, November 30, 2019

MQ50 Knives Out - Premiere

Rian Johnson resurrects the Whodunit with this movie about the death of a Patriarch featuring an ensemble cast that's a veritable Who's who of Hollywood. 

Join Jeff, Donald and a special Guest as they experience Knives Out! Criminally under nominated at the Academy Awards only receiving a BestOriginal Screenplay nod.

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

MQ49 Jojo Rabbit - Premiere

Join Jeff and Donald as they watch the only movie this year to have an imaginary Hitler friend.

One of the most heart-whelming movies of the season from Taika Waititi.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

MQ48 Parasite - Premiere

Back in November, the guys went to see Parasite. Bong Joon Ho's latest flick is nominated for Best Director and Best Picture at the Academy Awards.

Find out what all the hype is about! Or hide in the basement! Either way it's a brand new Movie Qlub premiere!

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Friday, November 8, 2019

MQ47 Doctor Sleep - Premiere

In this episode Jeff and Donald head to the theater for Doctor Sleep the new release written and directed by Mike Flanagan (The Haunting of Hill House, Ouija, Oculus) based on the Stephen King novel. Ewan McGregor (Star Wars prequels, Trainspotting) plays an adult Danny Torrence in this sequel to The Shining (1980). Trailer at

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