Monday, March 30, 2020

The Year 2015 - Retrospective

The Guys enter the latter half of the decade with their Retrospective on the year 2015 in Cinema. The Year of Spotlight, The Big Short, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian, The Force Awakens, Jurassic World and more! What were Jeff and Donald's Top 3 of the year and what did they think of the Best Picture winner? Find out in an all new Movie Qlub!

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Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Way Back - Premiere

Jeff and Donald have opened their own theatre in theses time of self isolating. Welcome to the 2ITQ Multipleqs! On this week's episode they screen the March 2020 Ben Affleck vehicle The Way Back. Jack Cunningham was an HS basketball phenom who walked away from the game, forfeiting his future. Years later, when he reluctantly accepts a coaching job at his alma mater, he may get one last shot at redemption. Join the guys as they discuss, grade and recommend in an all new Movie Qlub Premiere!

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Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Year 2014 - Retrospective

Jeff and Donald have made it halfway through the decade with their 2014 Cinematic retrospective. The year of Whiplash, Gone Girl, Interstellar, It Follows and Birdman. Find out what they thought of 2014 and which movies made their personal Top 3 in an all new Movie Qlub!

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Monday, March 23, 2020

The Year 2013 - Retrospective

The 2010s Retrospectives continue with a look back on 2013! The year 12 Years a Slave won best Picture! Jeff and Donald take a look back at the year in Cinema. What were their top 3 movies and what were their dark horses? Find out in an all new Movie Qlub Classic!

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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Inherent Vice - Classic

What happens when Joaquin Phoenix plays a drugged up private Eye in 1970s LA? What happens when Josh Brolin plays the maybe dirty Cop who teams  up with Joaquin to solve a crime? Find out in this all new Movie Qlub Classic as Jeff and Donald tackle Inherent Vice from 2014!

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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Blue Jasmine - Classic

Jeff and Donald watch Blue Jasmine in this week's Movie Qlub Classic!  A New York socialite, deeply troubled and in denial, arrives in San Francisco to impose upon her sister. She looks a million, but isn't bringing money, peace, or love...  How does Woody Allen's movie about a manic Cate Blanchett stack up as one of 2013's best? The guys tackle this difficult director, the performances and how it fits into 2013.

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Year 2012 - Retrospective

It feels like yesterday but it was 8 years ago. This episode features Jeff and Donald's retrospective on the year 2012 in film. The year of Argo, the Master, Silver Linings playbook and Django Unchained! What movies made their personal Top 3 lists and what won best picture? Find out in this all new Movie Qlub Classic!

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Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Hunt - Premiere

What happens when Jeff and Donald go to see the most controversial film of 2019 that no-one's seen? Find out in an all new Movie Qlub premiere as the guys head to the theatre to watch The Hunt!

See what the controversy is all about! Join the conversation at

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Premium Rush - Classic

What happens when you want to make a movie about fixed gear bicycles, human trafficking, dirty cops and messengers? You get the 2012 epic Premium Rush! Join Jeff and Donald as they watch this Joseph Gordon Levitt gem. Watch for oncoming traffic, sit back and enjoy this all new Movie Qlub Classic!

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Monday, March 9, 2020

The Year 2011 - Retrospective

Jeff and Donald are back with another retrospective of the 2010s with a focus on 2011. The year The Artist won best picture. A domestic box office Top 10 filled with sequels. But will any of them make their Top 3? Find out in this retrospective. 

Take a listen and then jump over to Discord to tell us what your favorite movies of 2011 were! Join the conversation at

Thursday, March 5, 2020

50/50 - Classic

It's an all new Movie Qlub Classic! Jeff and Donald watch the 2011 classic 50/50 starring Joseph Gordon Levitt and Seth Rogen. Does it still hold up? What did the guys enjoy? Find out in this all new episode!

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Monday, March 2, 2020

The Year 2010 - Retrospective

In this week's all new Movie Qlub, Jeff and Donald take a look back at the year 2010 in film. The first in a series taking a look at the decade in film. Jump in and take the rise all the way back to 2010. What won best picture? What was the domestic box office Top 10? What have our intrepid hosts chosen as their top 3 films of the year?

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